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Tui Worm Tower

Tui Worm Tower

(4 out of 3 reviews)

Recycle your kitchen scraps straight into the garden with the Tui Worm Tower. The perfect addition to any garden bed, this in-ground composting system creates healthy soil as worms feed on the organic matter. Top up the Tui Worm Tower with kitchen scraps for the worms to process into rich nutrients to naturally feed your garden.

The Tui Worm Tower is simple to assemble, easy to use and can hold up to 1,000 worms – a gardener’s best friend!

Follow our guide to setting up the Worm Tower here >


  • In-ground food waste recycling system with compost worm access holes.
  • Easy to assemble and install.
  • Suitable for flower and vegetable gardens.

Directions for use

  1. Choose a position for your Tui Worm Tower, preferably in the middle of your garden bed.
  2. Bury the Tui Worm Tower into the soil leaving the top flared section exposed.
  3. In the base of the Tui Worm Tower, place a bedding of pre-moistened strips of newspaper, leaf matter, straw and compost.
  4. Place your worms onto the bedding and they will travel back and forth through the feeding holes, to deliver nutrients directly to the roots.

For your Tui Worm Tower, you will get the best output from Tiger worms. These worms will produce high quality and quantities of nutrients for your garden. You can buy them from hardware stores, garden centers or off the internet.

To feed your worms, put in most of your fruit and vegetable waste, except citrus or onions. Don’t put in salad dressing or vinegar, but do throw in tea bags, coffee grounds and crushed egg shells. Even hair will do the job.

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Tui Worm Tower reviews

(3 reviews)

    Great system, easy to use. Amazing how much food my worm team can chew thru. I have the same problem with the lid. Only lasted a month. Would you be able to send me a replacement handle or lid? ---TUI TEAM REPLY: Hi Matt, thank you for your feedback. We'd be more than happy to send you a replacement handle. We can confirm the manufacturing issue with the handles has been fixed so the handles don't break easily going forward. Kind regards ^Tui Team


    I have 3 worm towers in my garden and have also had issues with the lid breaking so I want to know where I can purchase replacement lids?---TUI TEAM REPLY: Hi Blanche, thanks for getting in touch with your feedback. We're sorry to hear that you've had trouble with your Tui Worm Tower lids breaking. We can confirm the manufacturing issue with the handles has been fixed so the handles don't break easily. We would be happy to replace these, and will get in touch with you via email. Kind regards, Tui Team.

    Blanche McLean

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