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Potato Growing 101

Discover all the products and advice you need to successfully grow potatoes

Grow Potatoes in the Tui Potato Grow Bag with Laura

Grow Potatoes in the Tui Potato Grow Bag with Laura

Potato Growing Guide

The humble potato is a staple on many dinner tables around New Zealand. Roasted, boiled, mashed or in a salad – no matter how you serve yours, they will always taste better dug out of your own garden. Follow our potato growing guide to plant potatoes in garden beds or containers, and you'll be harvesting a bumper crop of homegrown potatoes this season.

Top Potato Tips

Potatoes are a firm Kiwi favourite and a treat on the table from summer through to autumn - consecutive planting means you can enjoy them for months on end. Sweet waxy and delicate, they were almost the best part of the Christmas banquet! Follow our top tips for a bumper crop of tasty homegrown spuds. 

Picking your potato variety

You can't beat new potatoes freshly dug out of your own garden! Choose your perfect potato variety based on your harvesting and cooking preferences.

Smashed potatoes

Leave the skins on your potatoes with this delicious recipe from Love Food Hate Waste. Smashing your potatoes instead of mashing them not only reduces food waste but means you'll be eating all the useful nutrients from the skin. Try this recipe for fluffy on the inside, crispy on the outside smashed potatoes.

Potato Gratin with Gruyere and Garlic

Every cook has their own way of making this classic dish and usually it involves lots of careful layering. Annabel Langbein has her own ‘free range’ method, where you simply toss everything together.