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Feijoa Growing 101

Discover everything you need to know for successful feijoas!

Feijoa Growing Guide

You can't beat the aroma and flavour of fresh feijoas! This hardy and robust fruit is so easy to grow and provides you with an abundance of fruit from autumn to early winter each year. 

Feijoa variety favourites

A wide range of feijoas are available. Some varieties are self-fertile, but even self-fertile varieties will produce heavier and more regular crops if they are pollinated by other varieties. Plant at least two different varieties to extend your season and ensure a better harvest.

Fantastic Feijoas - All you need to Know

You can’t beat the aroma and flavour of fresh feijoas! This hardy and robust fruit is easy to grow and provides you with an abundance of fruit from autumn to early winter. If you're keen to grow your own, find out everything you need to know from Waimea Nurseries fruit expert Kate Marshall.

Laura's Feijoa Crumble Slice

If you love feijoas and love crumble, this delicious slice recipe shared by Laura is perfect for you. An ideal way to enjoy your homegrown feijoas, this sweet treat is likely to become a family favourite at your place.Ready within an hour, it's an easy to follow recipe that makes up to 16 squares (depending on how big or small you cut them!)

When and how do I prune my feijoa tree?

Hi, I was wondering when to prune my feijoa tree which has made a lot of growth, and how much I should prune off? Thanks, Jan.

Barbara's Fabulous Feijoa Chutney

Barbara's Fabulous Feijoa Chutney