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Winter Roast Vege Soup

Keep warm with this satisfying soup packed full of delicious winter roast veges, kindly shared by Tui Team member Lianne.


  • Selection of root vegetables - carrot, kumara, parsnip, pumpkin, swede, yams - whatever takes your fancy. 
  • A bulb of garlic or less if you prefer, break up the bulb, leave the cloves in their skin.
  • Olive oil for roasting.
  • 4-6 shallots or 2 medium size onions peeled and quartered - it is optional if you roast these with the vegetables or cook them until soft later before adding the roast veges to the stock.
  • 1 -2 litres of chicken stock or vegetable stock.
  • 125-250ml milk
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 leek
  • 1 stalk of celery (optional)
  • 1 can of tomato puree (optional)
  1. Roast the vegetables in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes until cooked.
  2. In a saucepan add a tablespoon of oil (and a knob of butter (25-50g) if you like) and fry the onion (if not added to the roast vegetables) leek and celery until soft.
  3. To make a creamy soup add a tablespoon of flour and cook off, add milk (125-250mls), a little at a time to make a creamy white onion sauce along with some of the stock until it is a good consistency, depends how thick you like your soup. You can always add more liquid.
  4. Once the vegetables are roasted, add them to the saucepan, squeeze the garlic out of the cloves, add the rest of the stock and tomato puree if using.
  5. Cook for an hour and a half slowly.
  6. Place the soup into a blender and puree, place back onto the stove to cook slowly until ready to serve.
  7. Season to taste. A dash or two of Tamari sauce added once I had pureed the soup, you may want to add a teaspoon of sugar if the tomato taste is too tangy but the sweetness of the vegetables should balance the tomato tanginess.

Note: The white sauce step is optional, if you want a creamy soup do that step, if you want a more liquid soup (or dairy-free vegan) just cook the onion, leek and celery, cook off until soft then add stock and vegetables and cook for an hour and a half slowly, place in the blender and puree, season to taste.

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Winter Roast Vege Soup Comments

  • I have made soup like this for many years. I like to put canned sweetcorn in it as well.


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