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Tui Times Spring/Summer 2023/24

Winter hibernation is over and it’s time to spring into action and get your backyard brimming! Sow a garden full of delicious fresh food, plant vibrant floral displays and touch up your lawn for summer cricket!

This issue we’ve put together plenty of inspiration to spring into action and create a garden space to be proud of and enjoy with family and friends.

Check out snippets of what you'll discover in this edition of our Tui Times, and download a PDF of the magazine here.

P4. Sort your lawn for summer

P4. Sort your lawn for summer

P6. Be inspired by other Kiwi gardeners

P6. Be inspired by other Kiwi gardeners

P10.  Grow through the seasons

P10. Grow through the seasons

P11. Discover companion planting

P11. Discover companion planting

P14. All you need to know for citrus success

P14. All you need to know for citrus success

P16. Create theatre & grow edibles vertically

P16. Create theatre & grow edibles vertically

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Tui Times Spring/Summer 2023/24 Comments

  • I'm a Tui products lover and always use Tui fertilisers, liquid as well as granules in my garden for fruit, veges and flowers.


  • I love this page!

    Vonda Hansen

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