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Start your seeds for Autumn

Let's get sowing for autumn!

Discover the Tui Seed range of easy-to-grow Kiwi favourites and start sowing the seeds of autumn.

Available to purchase exclusively online here on the Tui website.

Choose from family vege faves, must-have salad ingredients, fragrant herbs, and vibrant blooms to bring in the bees. Growing from seed is an economical option and autumn is the perfect time to sow a variety of staples for fresh food at your fingertips. Choose Tui to grow from plant to harvest with our trusted products.

Vibrant blooms

Add pops of colour and encourage important pollinators (essential for flowering and fruiting veges!) to your garden with beautiful blooms including Cottage Garden Mix, Nasturtium Gleam Double, Alyssum Snow Cloth and Lobelia Crystal Palace.

Choose autumn faves

Sow the seeds of autumn and grow fresh and vibrant varieties the whole family can enjoy. Choose from staples including Beetroot Cylindra, Broccoli Marathon F1, Cauliflower All Seasons and Carrot All Seasons.

Fresh and fragrant herbs

Bring a flavour punch to your meals and drinks over the cool seasons with fresh, homegrown herbs. Pick from Mint, Parsley Italian, Coriander and Chives and enjoy herbs at your fingertips.

Autumn salad essentials

 Keep the fresh and tasty homegrown salads coming through the seasons! Choose from cool season salad staples including Lettuce Cut & Come Again, Spinach Hybrid No.7 F1 F1, Spring Onion Bunching White and Radish Red Globe. 

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Start your seeds for Autumn Comments

  • Love getting these TUI tips. Helps planning the garden easier, especially veges.

    Margaret Anderson

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