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Spring into Action

Spring gardening

Winter hibernation is over and it’s time to spring into action and get your backyard brimming! Sow a garden full of delicious fresh food, plant vibrant floral displays and touch up that lawn for summer cricket. We’ve created handy interactive grow plans to help you spring into action with ease.

Our grow plans offer inspiration for your garden space, along with plant and product tips for success! 

Lawn Care

Matt is patching and feeding his lawn for summer.



There is nothing quite like wandering barefoot across your backyard savouring the feeling of grass between your toes. A lush, green lawn really sets off a house and is the pride and joy of any keen gardener. Knowledge and quality products are key to lawn care, to ensure a beautiful, healthy lawn with minimal maintenance later on.

Spring into action and get your backyard sorted, including touching up your lawn for summer cricket and entertaining! Whether you're sowing, patching, weeding or feeding, the ProGrade Tui LawnForce® range includes everything you need to achieve the ultimate lawn.

explore our interactive lawn plan

Maria is planting her favourite tomatoes for summer salads.

Maria is planting her favourite tomatoes for summer salads.

plant tomatoes for summer

In sandwiches or salads, roasted or plucked straight from the vine – tomatoes take pride of place in Kiwi gardens over the summer months, no matter how you choose to enjoy yours!

Tomato varieties vary in size, colour and flavour. Spring into action when temperatures warm at your place and choose a variety based on your cooking and taste preferences. Plant in garden beds, pots or containers with our specialised range for a bumper crop of flavoursome tomatoes. 

Explore our interactive tomato garden

Vegetable Gardening

Anya and her sister Talia preparing their spring vege patch.

sort your spring VEGE PATCH

Whether your dream vege patch is bursting with salad greens for summer barbeques, or carrots and leeks for hearty winter soups, nothing beats the satisfaction of ‘growing your own’. Spring is an ideal time to sort your patch for the warmer months. The soil is warming and there's plenty of options to choose from to reap benefits of fresh homegrown food. 

Spring into action choosing crops that suit the time of year, amount of garden space you have, and those your family enjoy eating and cooking with.

Explore our interactive vege plans

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Spring into Action Comments

  • I am really looking forward to harvesting lavender from my garden. Thanks Tui for all the great growing tips!

    Nicola King

  • Yey! Definitely feeling the spring vibe! Everything starting to bloom and seedlings starting to sprout! House is becoming the greenhouse at the moment. Definitely need this guide for successful yield this summer! Can't wait! Bring it on!

    Mary-jean williams

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