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Planting in layers with Jodie

Inspired by nature's diversity Jodie @derivedfromnaturenz adopted a layered approach to her vege beds - different plants coexisting harmoniously, just like in the wild. It's a visual feast and a recipe for a thriving garden!

Ways to layer your garden bed

  1. Plant the tallest plants at the back and stagger in height until you reach the front.
  2. Plant your tallest plants in the middle of your bed, then stagger your plants from each side until you reach the front.
  3. Include structures for vertical growing space - this adds another layer to your garden and creates a focal point.
  4. Play with textures and colour, for example with kale varieties – scarlet kale, curly kale and cavolo nero.

Example of layers planted in Jodie's garden bed: Summer broccoli, cauliflower and kale are planted in the middle. The next layer is silverbeet, spring onion and celery. The lower levels at the front of the bed are filled with things like Chinese cabbage, popeye spinach, lettuce and lastly edible flowers and herbs as companion plants.

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