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Mediterranean Spring Power Salad

Mediterranean Spring Power Salad

This delicious salad from Food in a Minute is packed with quinoa and chickpeas + other Mediterranean flavours. Paired to perfection with Eta’s Caramelised Onion Dressing, this is a must try this spring as the weather warms!


  • ½ cup quinoa
  • 400g can Wattie's Chickpeas in Springwater
  • 1 small red capsicum, deseeded and sliced
  • 1 small yellow capsicum, deseeded and sliced
  • 12 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Handful fresh Italian parsley leaves, torn
  • ½ cup black olives (optional)
  • ¼-½ cup Eta Caramelised Onion Dressing
  • Rocket leaves
  • 50g traditional feta (optional)

Serves: 4-5
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes


  1. Rinse quinoa through a sieve with cold water. Drain. Put in a small saucepan and add 1 cup of cold water and cover. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes until quinoa is tender and water has evaporated. Transfer to a mixing bowl and cool.
  2. Add drained Wattie’s Chickpeas, red and yellow capsicums, cherry tomatoes, parsley and black olives (optional).
  3. Toss through Eta Caramelised Onion Dressing. Place rocket leaves onto a serving platter. Spoon over the prepared salad. Scatter over crumbled feta if wished just before serving.

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Mediterranean Spring Power Salad Comments

  • I can't wait to take this recipe down to Wellington this weekend. I have two daughters and their families who are active sports people and have very healthy diets. It will be ideal as also not time consuming for busy households

    Margaret Hall

    • That's great feedback to get Margaret, thanks for getting in touch. We hope you and your family enjoy the recipe! Happy gardening and cooking from the Tui Team.

      Tui Team

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