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Garden Survey 2023 Results

In December we launched our Garden State of the Nation survey to our email members to learn about their gardens and discover more ways we can help Kiwi gardeners grow.

Thank you to everyone that took part! Congratulations to our 3 winners who have been contacted - Sandra from Northland, Mary-Lou from New Plymouth and Barbara from Taupō.

Check out our highlights from the results below.

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Garden Survey 2023 Results Comments

  • Thank you for your advice. I have already planted 9 broccoli seeds and they are now about 6 cm high, also beetroot and lettuce which are doing really well. Thank you for all your advice.

    Eddie Joicey

    • I don't use pesticides as we have lizards & birds--so hand weed--luckily I have goats--so I feed them all the thistles before they set seed. Plums had a big crop, but I didn't have time to feed the cherry trees --so no cherries, & pears were not good either. Brambles had holes, Nashi pears produced only 8 this year, & the boysenberries were eaten by mice. We hope to down size soon--then things will be easier--but I shall miss the mountain views & sunrise & sunsets. But most of all the freedom to roam on our own land. Getting older is no fun, but I shall install a few raised beds in our new house & will have more time for walking our heading dogs--who will miss our land too. I hope that you all manage to grow food & flowers despite the dry weather & all the best for your Autumn & Winter planting & looking forward to next Spring.

      Marion Preston

  • I am not having any luck sowing parsnip seed. Carrot and radish no problem. Any tips before I try a fourth lot.


    • Hi Joy, the best time to sow in the North Island is September to March, and in the South Island October to December, they can take up to 3 weeks to germinate, so it is really important that they don’t dry out at germination stage. As you don’t say what methods you have already tried, see if this works. Dig a shallow furrow or trench, fill it with seed raising mix, not quite to the top of the original soil level, sow the seed in the furrow, lightly cover with seed raising mix, water and place a fence paling or a similar sort of board over the top of the furrow. Keep moist but not wet. Continue checking to see if germination has started, when it does lift up the plank and prop up so there is light and air getting to the seedlings. Remove the fence paling after 3 weeks or once the seed has germinated. Parsnip germinate best in a temperature range of 10 – 21 degrees Celsius, it is very important that the soil does not dry out, but isn’t too wet either. Make sure the seed is fresh as older seed has poor germination. I have read where people say to pour hot water over the seeds, I have never done this, but have used the fence paling method for carrots and it works well.


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