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Be inspired in the garden and kitchen

Discover the joy of using your very own homegrown harvests to create culinary delights the whole family will enjoy!

We are excited to announce that over the next few months we will be partnering with Food in a Minute with the Food in a Minute and Tui Garden Hub to help you go from garden to table with ease over the spring and summer months.

Garden Hub members will receive exclusive recipes, helpful tips and advice for growing homegrown delights in the garden, and the chance to win Tui gardening packs.

To be part of the Garden Hub, simply sign up to become a Food in a Minute member (if you're not already) and then register to join the Garden Hub for exciting recipes, gardening inspiration and giveaways! Click here >

Want to try something different for dinner with your freshly harvested veges?


This quick and easy stir-fry makes the perfect mid-week meal. Pick your favourite veges from the garden and add Singapore noodles and beef combined with Wattie’s WOK Creations Honey Soy stir-fry sauce - simple and delicious! Click here for the full recipe >

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Be inspired in the garden and kitchen Comments

  • Would love the Tui strawberry growing packs - all children and grandchildren very fond of strawberries

    Beverly Robinson

  • Which vegetables are best suited to receive horse manure dug in before planting.

    Fiona Buckley

  • Have never successfully grown strawberries before and would love to give them another try.

    Joan Carter

  • Hope I win!!


  • This is a great web site,I have found a lot of interesting things about gardening I did not know, Keep up the good work

    Jan Albertson

  • Fantastic idea

    Natalie Van Breugel

  • Being a member of both, it is good for them to come together

    Howard Fletcher

  • Cool


  • Sounds exciting


  • We are all into home grown healthy food.

    Laurie Sanders

  • I use tui garden products in my vege garden they produce great vegetables

  • I think this is a great idea look forward to tips&recipes.

    noeline hoyle

  • wonderful combination of the two

    Lisa barker

  • About to build two new garden boxes for my veges! Looking forward to growing again!


  • A really great sight for Roses

    Ron Arthur

  • This pack would be so helpful as I need to replace my strawberry plants this season.Thank you

    Diane Crispin

  • Would really appreciate a strawberry pack.

    Diane Crispin

  • Hi I would love to try & grow some strawberry s again now that we are in our new place cheer`s


  • Would love this for summer

    Bernice Armstrong

  • I look forward to receiving the exclusive recipes, helpful tips and advice for growing homegrown delights in my garden... thanks

    Jennie McCormick

  • I love reading all the interesting tips one can never get to much knowledge about gardening etc

    Jacky Smith

  • I've always wanted to grow strawberries, but haven't done it. I would love the pack.

    Lynette Viertel

  • From garden to tablet sounds a great idea

    Shirley Abraham

  • my husband grows all our veges but no Strawberries. So I am trying

    Margaret Williams

  • That's great to hear Beverly, good luck for the competition! Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team


  • Hi Joan, we hope you will find out tips through the Garden Hub useful. Also check out our Strawberry Growing Guide here: Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Hi Jan, thank you for this feedback. We are pleased to hear you enjoy our website and gardening information. We wish you a successful spring garden! Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Fantastic! Thanks for your feedback Howard. Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Hi Sue, that's fantastic to hear! Thanks for your feedback - Jenna, Tui Team.


  • Good luck for the competition Diane :) - Tui Team.


  • Hi Lynette, good luck for the competition. Strawberries are a delight to grow in your garden! - Jenna, Tui Team.


  • Hi Jacky, thanks for your feedback. There's always something to learn in the garden! Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Hi Margaret, that's wonderful. You can't beat fresh homegrown harvests. Check out our Strawberry Growing Guide here: Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


  • Wanting to join the Garden Hub, what a great idea!

    Jeanette Brown

  • Your website is amazing, so informative, i can find anything i want to know. I am going to have a go at growing strawberries this year.

    Nola Hall

  • Hi Nola, that's fantastic to hear. Thank you for this feedback, we are pleased to hear you enjoy our website and gardening information. Happy gardening from the Tui Team!


  • How wonderful. My nephew ruined my strawberries and I love the fresh homegrown harvest.

    Suzette Smith

  • we just love strawberries when all the grandchildren come we never have enough to go around, we all believe in home grown and fresh is best, also I teach the young ones about seeds, propagation and growing plants and fruit etc then comes the picking and eating an that's the reason I would love to win this please

    Liz an the grandies

  • I really enjoy reading your site - such useful information. My strawberries today were replanted into my own compost and some purchased compost - I do hope it helps the poor battered looking plants. It has been a hard winter.


  • Wonderful idea

    Billy Mitchell

  • Strawberries are one of my favourite foods so would love to grow my own

    Terry Pram

  • Great site - lots of wonderful tips and ideas. Some new strawberry plants would be wonderful - last years looking a bit miserable.


  • Thanks for your feedback Prue, and all the best for your strawberry crop this season. - Tui Team


  • great!


  • If we are already members of both FIAM and Tui are we still in the draw?

    Annette Benge

  • I'm just starting to create my gardens as we moved a house onto a paddock. So we are starting from scratch and this would be an awesome starter :)

    Becky Johnson

  • I would love to know how to grow Straws big and juicy, i have never had much sucess

    Patsy Arlidge

  • Hi Annette, you need to register to the Garden Hub to go in the draw to win the strawberry packs. Login to your FIAM account and fill in the form to register here: Thanks, Tui Team


  • Tomatoes are my thing but new recipes and ideas from Tui would be vey much appreciated-thanks!

    Noel Mayo

  • Hi Fiona, this is a great question, horse manure is a wonderful addition to the garden but it is only good for growing leafy crops such as lettuce, silver beat, rocket, spinach, kale, cavolo nero and other leafy salad greens, however if you blend it into your compost heap it will be able to be used on other parts of the garden once the nitrogen content becomes more balanced. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.


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